
Hi! My name is Jennifer Maker! Welcome to the Blog Boost Bank!

Well, this isn't a bank ... it's my craft room. But it's pretty awesome place! This is where all the magic happens for me.

So please, have a seat right here and let's talk. You're here because you're looking for a little boost, right? Need some encouragement? A bit of motivation? Maybe even some simple solutions to overwhelming problems? I get it... I've been in that seat before and I can help!

When I first started working at home many, many years ago, I felt really alone. I didn't have any one to turn to when I needed help, and honestly, I probably wouldn't have if I could have back then. I'm the sort of person who likes to figure things out for herself. And it can be hard to share your problems and feel vulnerable anyway, isn't it?

But that doesn't mean we don't need help in those situations. Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, stressed, and confused can block us from making forward progress. And that, my friend, is a serious issue. When we don't address these issues, we can get stalled or completely stopped, and then never realize our hopes and dreams.

I want YOUR dream to come true, just as mine has. 

I've now been working online for a VERY long time now and over the years I've come up with a lot of ways to help myself when the going gets rough. All those years of learning what works and what doesn't made a huge difference for me when I started my blog. I discovered I had the right tools in my toolbox to push through my problems and make it all work. And I want to share all of those techniques, ideas, and solutions with you, too!

And that's why I made the Blog Boost Bank. You can come here when you need to get focused, on track, and moving forward. Whenever you're facing a challenge, just come on over to my craft room, have a seat, and get a pep talk, heart to heart, or maybe even a little truth bomb from me to help you overcome it. This is my way of supporting and encouraging you whenever and wherever you need it, even if it's at 4 am in the morning and you just can't sleep.

What I've done is taken the most commonly expressed issues and addressed them in short videos. Nothing long or lengthy here, because I want to help you and send you right back to work. If you're not into videos, you can also listen to them in your car or just read them whenever you want.

I want you to feel encouraged, motivated, and inspired to keep blogging and moving forward every single day. 

I look forward to boosting you up!

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